Feel free to contact me if your institution does not provide access to any of the publications below. You can also check out my Google Scholar here.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Smith, J. K., & Mendelson, E. A. Parasocial parenting, adoption, and monetization of the “internet parent” with the Griswolds on TikTok. International Journal of Cultural Studies, OnlineFirst.
Mendelson, E. A., & Smith, J. K. (2024). Mediated sexual and romantic learning on TikTok: The dating wrapped trend. Social Media + Society, 10(3).
°Gates, K., & Mendelson, E. A. (2024). What is “Having Sex?” An exploratory investigation into sexual communication and sexual education experiences. Journal of Undergraduate Social Work Research, 8(1), 53–67.
°undergraduate research mentee
Thompson, C. M., Bishop, M. J., Dillard, T. C., Maurice, J. M., Rollins, D. D., Pulido, M. D., Salas, M. J., Mendelson, E. A., Yan, J., Gerlikovski, E. R., Benevento, S. V., Zeinstra, C., & Kesavadas, T. (2024). Healing Health Care Disparities: Development and Pilot Testing of a Virtual Reality Implicit Bias Training Module for Physicians in the Context of Black Maternal Health. Health Communication, OnlineFirst.
Mendelson, E. A. (2024). Sensemaking and public intimacy on TikTok: How viral videos influence interpersonal relationships offline. New Media & Society, 26(12), 7081–7099.
Book Chapters
Buttgereit, T., Mendelson, E., & Schatz, J.L. (2019). ‘Poisoning’ masculinity: Poison Ivy as a counter-narrative of villainy and trauma through representations of queer love in DC’s “Everyone Love’s Ivy.” Published in Schatz, J. L. & Parson, S. (eds.) Superheroes and Masculinity. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Book Reviews
Mendelson, E. A. (2023). Book review: Momfluenced: Inside the maddening, picture-perfect world of mommy influencer culture. New Media & Society.
Mendelson, E. (2023, April 28). ‘LGBTQ+ people with chronic illness’: Book review. The Polyphony.
Master's Thesis
Mendelson, E. A. (2022). Information-seeking strategies for receiving consent: Applying the theory of motivated information management to sexual relationships between college students. Baylor University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.